
Getting into the SCA

It was in the hallway of a local pottery studio, after a class that I first heard of the SCA. It was the mention of a class about making Egyptian Incense that cut through the din and caught my attention.

That very same day I went to my first SCA meeting. It was fun, educational, and had me hungry for more.

You might be wondering, What Is the SCA?

Why thank you for asking! The SCA, or Society for Creative Anachronism is a group of people who love the middle ages. Or in other words, a bunch of history nerds who love to learn, teach, explore and share.

We relive all the best parts of the time period, with the lovely bonuses of plumbing and ac! Well…sometimes…lol

Where It Went After That

Me and my family, or perhaps more accurately, I, while dragging my family along with me, jumped into the SCA with great enthusiasm. I made it to every class I possibly could and tried every new hobby I could get into. I tried my hand at archery, stone carving, needlework, sewing, metalwork, historical cooking, lampworking glass beads, weaving, dying fabric, spinning, felting, and making more historically accurate works of art.

I met some amazing people who I think dearly of, kind people, talented people who I am happy to say have changed my life, taught me much, and opened my mind to all sorts of amazing things I never would have considered on my own.

I started going to any event I could, I learned how much I enjoyed camping, both in tents and cabins. I helped anywhere I could while not sitting in a class and trying to learn something new.

For those curious, here is my SCA “resume”. Or a list of the things I’ve done for and with this wonderful group.

What I’m Doing Now

Currently, I have taken two positions in my group. Working as both the Chart Signet and Scribal guild leader.

As Chart Signet I work closely with both our baronial coronets and our baronies scribes to make sure we have the awards we need.

A the Scribal Guild leader I work to organize days for the scribes to gather and make art as well as share resources with each other. I have also started making videos to help new scribes get started.