How QTPieCollective Got Its Name
Way back when, I wanted to play a game online. I had no idea what to make my username though… My mom in all her wisdom offered me My name + qtpie. Young me was enamored with that name. It was short, included my name, and was almost always available. It became my go-to user name and I still use it to this day.
When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to call my business, my mind immediately went back to my qtpie formula. I want my business to be a collective of all the things I enjoy.
Art, Crafts, Learning, and Sharing. Thus, QTPieCollective was born!
About Me
Ever since I was little I’ve always loved making things. From fingerpainting and playdough to building things out of sticks in the backyard. My parents have always been very supportive of my interest in arts and crafts. If I showed interest in learning something new, my parents and family tried to support it. I delved into painting, sketching, oil pastels, and sculpting. When I wanted to try woodcarving at 13, my Uncle David bought me a set of knives and signed me up for classes with a Master Carver. The other people in the group were surprised to see me, considering everyone else was at least in their 50s. But I really enjoyed my time with them and was very sad when we moved away and I couldn’t go anymore. I also remember sitting up in the “birds nest”/giant swing set my dad built and watching as my crochet chain slowly reached the ground. I was so proud of myself!
What Would be My Thing?
I tried as many creative outlets as I could, hoping to find that one thing that would eventually become “My Thing”. I was always a little upset when I didn’t seem to find it. I only continued to enjoy trying all the hobbies I found and wanting to learn new ones too!
It wasn’t until very recently that I found out that “My Thing” wasn’t going to be a singular outlet. “My Thing” was learning! I wanted to keep doing “All the Things” I’d learned and start sharing those things with others. I don’t think I’m ever happier than when my nose is buried in a new book, as I discover a new “favorite” hobby, and then the excitement that comes with sharing what I’ve learned with anyone who will listen.
This is why I’m so incredibly excited to launch QTPieCollective! This way I can share all I have learned and will learn while also growing a community of like-minded people.
Going Forward
The dream I have for QTPieCollective is to become self-sufficient and provide for myself while sharing what I love with others. I hope that if you’ve read this far, you are also interested in seeing where this little dream will go!
I plan to:
I also want to start sharing the things I make by offering those things for sale. Items I offer can be made to order for those interested with a whole slew of customizations offered so you end up with something truly yours.